[BusyBox] networking scripts

Erik Andersen andersen at codepoet.org
Mon Mar 31 14:08:03 UTC 2003

On Mon Mar 31, 2003 at 12:48:11PM -0800, Alex Pavloff wrote:
> So now I have a question:
> You guys have been working on the new busyboy stuff for a while -- what's
> actually unstable that has to get fixed before a release?

It is getting pretty close.  We (me, Manuel, Glen, a few others)
are aiming for a mid-April release.  But there are plenty of bugs
left.  I've been working on nfs and networking stuff.  Manuel has
recently done a great job of cleaning up the coreutils applets,
but there is still a bit of fallout there.  Many applets still
lack all help text in the configuration system, etc.


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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