[BusyBox] customizing busybox

Surya Prakash sp_palm2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 20:07:27 UTC 2003


Thanks for responses to my previous question. I tried
adding new applets to the miscutils directory and it
worked. But after seeing your answers and how busybox
works, more questions arised in my mind.

1. What is our objective?
We basically are working on an embedded system. What
we need is a simple access for the developers to
troubleshoot problems on the box.
a. we need a way to log in using serial port.
b. Look in to the status of various registers etc.
We most likely will add proprietry commands to do 
Most of our additions will not work with out our
hardware and software.
c. Some simple utilities, jobs, cp, cd etc.. from
busybox. Since we are not adding to the basic concept
of busybox, we will not be added to Hall of shame, I

We planned to use a combination of tiny login &
busybox & ash. Don't want to use heavy shells from

Q: Are we in the right path? What's the best way to 
achieve our goals?

We planned to add another directory and add our
commands/applets to that.

2. How do I add new directories?

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