[BusyBox] Some bugreports.

Ali Akcaagac aliakc at web.de
Wed Dec 10 15:40:52 UTC 2003


I'm new to this list so please excuse if I make some bugreports of
things that may have been fixed in meanwhile. I was using a CVS snapshot
of BusyBox from around 25th nov so chances may be good the majority of
these problems have been solved. But to make sure I gonna report them

a) md5sum always returns 00000000000....
b) tar xfjv <filename> doesn't work it says 'jv' unknown command.
   Regardless if bzip support was compiled inside tar (as you can
   select through the configure system).
c) when untar'ing an archive the filedates are changed to
   currenttime which it shouldn't. It should keep the filedates and
   other attributes.
d) tar again, attributes is the keyword here. After restoring my
   system last night and doing heavy maintainance over the night I
   have detected that busybox changed a lot of my file (includes,
   manpages and things like that) to '777'. I was curious in the
   first moment because I thought of new files being written there
   but after comparing the filedates it came clear that busybox did
   some mistakes during untar'ing the tarball.

I hope my bugreports gonna help making busybox yet again a better

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