[BusyBox] basic: archive??

Dario Nuevo dnuevo at mix.ch
Wed Mar 6 01:33:04 UTC 2002

hi glenn..

>People arent dumb, just inexperienced.

well, that's right.. ;-) comes time, comes knowledge 
;) and sure some smart people helping out, thanks ;)

>Make sure the file you downloaded has the correct 

813499 Mar  5 16:07 busybox-0.60.2.tar.gz

i can't see the correct byte size in my browser in 
the /downloads-directory, but i think that's 
realistic.. it shows me 794 kb..

md5sum of my file:

>try breaking it down into 2 steps, that give you 
more info on whats wrong.
>gunzip busybox-0.60.2.tar.gz
>tar -xf busybox-0.60.2.tar

well, here:
stingray:~# gunzip busybox-0.60.2.tar.gz 

gunzip: busybox-0.60.2.tar.gz: unexpected end of 
so the 2nd step isn't possible anymore..

altrough the direct tar command extracted some 
files, but it's impossible to compile them (not all 
i think)..

hey, can't somebody extract the tar.gz on his 
machine, repack it als bz2 and set it to me (pm)? 
or any other ideas?


>Busybox has a debian package in woody (testing), 

well, first i'm not a really package fan. if i have 
the chance to compile it myself, that's the best..

i downloaded the package and there's no chance to 
get it running on potato (it's not a requirement, 
but i had to test it)..

>dependencies will
>probably require you to upgrade your glibc 
though... you should consider
>upgrading to woody :)

yeah, i don't consider to update my glibc without 
the distro ;) i know, i should upgrade.. but time's 
not around, the server is potato and i don't want to 
change all the stuff 'til woody is released really 
really stable ;-)


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