[BusyBox] compile errors with hexdump.c

Doug Edwards dedwards at synergymicro.com
Thu Jul 18 09:53:04 UTC 2002

Hi all -

I'm trying to compile the hexdump.c applet (found at the link below) 
into busybox, but am getting errors.  I'm using BusyBox 0.60.3 with 
uClibc (snapshot  dated June 6) as shared on a PPC with the 2.4.12 
kernel.  I have dump.h (also found on the same website).


Basically, all the errors are undefined references to the following: 
add, vflag, length, skip, and dump.  Here's a sample of the compile 

/usr/powerpc-linux-uclibc/bin/cc -s -Wl,-warn-common -o busybox ash.o 
  cat.o chgrp.o chmod.o chown.o chroot.o chvt.o clear.o cmdedit.o cp.o 
cut.o date
.o dd.o df.o dirname.o dmesg.o du.o echo.o env.o find.o free.o fsck.o 
ftp.o grep
.o gunzip.o gzip.o halt.o head.o hexdump.o hostid.o hostname.o id.o 
ifconfig.o i
nit.o insmod.o kill.o klogd.o ln.o logger.o logread.o losetup.o ls.o 
lsmod.o mak
edevs.o md5sum.o mkdir.o mknod.o mkswap.o modprobe.o more.o mount.o 
mv.o nc.o nf
smount.o nslookup.o pidof.o ping.o pivot_root.o poweroff.o printf.o 
ps.o pwd.o r
date.o readlink.o reboot.o reset.o rm.o rmdir.o rmmod.o route.o sed.o 
sleep.o so
rt.o stty.o swaponoff.o sync.o syslogd.o tail.o tar.o telnet.o telnetd.o test.o
tftp.o touch.o traceroute.o true_false.o tty.o umount.o uname.o uniq.o update.o
uptime.o vi.o wc.o wget.o which.o whoami.o xargs.o yes.o  busybox.o 
usage.o appl
ets.o libbb.a libpwd.a
hexdump.o: In function `addfile':
hexdump.o(.text+0xdc): undefined reference to `add'
hexdump.o(.text+0xdc): relocation truncated to fit: R_PPC_REL24 add
hexdump.o: In function `hexdump_main':
hexdump.o(.text+0x126): undefined reference to `vflag'
hexdump.o(.text+0x12e): undefined reference to `length'
hexdump.o(.text+0x136): undefined reference to `vflag'
hexdump.o(.text+0x13a): undefined reference to `length'
hexdump.o(.text+0x180): undefined reference to `add'

It seems that hexdump.o gets made, but can't be compiled into 
busybox.  Any ideas on what to do?

Thanks in advance,

Doug Edwards


Doug Edwards

Synergy Microsystems
9605 Scranton Rd., Suite 700
San Diego, CA  92121-1773
dedwards at synergymicro.com

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