[BusyBox] feature requests...

Tomi Ollila Tomi.Ollila at sonera.com
Sat May 12 04:25:46 UTC 2001

Wednesday May 9 15:08:19 -0600 2001 Matt Kraai <kraai at alumni.carnegiemellon.edu> wrote:
> I just tried the following:
> $ dev/busybox/busybox wget -O - http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/current/base2_2.tgz | dev/busybox/busybox gzip -dc | dev/busybox/busybox tar tf -
> and it worked fine.  This was with the latest CVS version, with
> BB_WGET enabled.  Could you give more details about your setup?

Ok, so those features exist. Great. My setup was simply tomsrtbt-1.7.334 w/
some of my modifications, but those should not have affected the busybox
behaviour. I  investigate the issue further on my own.

BTW. I also had problems getting hard links assigned. When for example
I had files /usr/bin/zcat, /usr/bin/gzip and /usr/bin/gunzip all pointing
the same files in tar archive (archived with RedHat 7.1 tar), extracting
those with busybox tar (the one in tomsrtbt-1.7.334, which is v 0.51?)
It only extracted zcat, and left those hard links undone...

Has anyone else experienced such a thing. Unfortunately just now I don´t
have access to the system I have done those testing so I cannot provide
more detailed information.

> Matt


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