[BusyBox] Fwd: shell instabilities

Larry Doolittle ldoolitt at recycle.lbl.gov
Thu May 3 10:58:29 UTC 2001

Ralph Jones asked:
> Did this fix ever get implemented?  I had a look, but couldn't see it in CVS.

Yes, Gennady's fixes are now in both lash and hush.

sh.c/lash.c was fixed on 2001/04/23 15:28:28, CVS revision 1.122.
hush.c was fixed on 2001/05/02 15:37:09, CVS revision 1.8.

> Lash [and hush, too] still crashes with the same symptoms.

Bummer.  Can you remind everyone exactly what your symptoms are,
when you run with the latest CVS copy?  Now that so many _other_
bugs are out of the way, it might be easier to focus on this one.
Please include target architecture, and the versions of compiler,
kernel, and libc you use.

      - Larry

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