[BusyBox] Let's release 0.50 today

Erik Andersen andersen at lineo.com
Thu Mar 8 17:27:49 UTC 2001

I know I've said it before and then let things slip.  No more.  This is going
to be it.   No, really this time.  BusyBox will never be perfect so we are just
going to have to cut a release and move on.  And it will be a good release too.
Regardless, I would like to get the 0.50 release out the door by midnight
tonight (about 14 hours from now).  I've been so busy I've let this slip far
longer then I should have.

There are stil several patches waiting to be applied (most of Vladimir's
Last_patch3.gz, Manuel's ifconfig update, a few others) which will go in as
soon as possible.  Unfortunately, I've got some non-busybox work I HAVE to get
done today (work can be like that some times ;-), but I still think that with
everyone's help we can get this released tonight.  That will allow us to begin
working on some of the fun new things in the queue (like making a libbusybox).

I encourage everyone to test busybox _hard_ today.  Everyone, please at least
run tests/multibuild.pl to do some basic regression testing against whatever
version of libc you usually use.  Those that have some time, please look at the
bug tracking system, then pick an open bug and try to fix it.

Thank for your help and patience,


Erik B. Andersen   email:  andersen at lineo.com
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