[BusyBox] choice for reserving buffers

Erik Andersen andersen at lineo.com
Thu Jan 25 23:52:33 UTC 2001

On Thu Jan 25, 2001 at 01:37:34PM +0200, Tomi Ollila wrote:
> > 
> > Only with set this memory. BSS is prezero - good for programing.
> Btw how is this prezeroing done? 

The bss is zeroed by the binary loader in the kernel.

> Btw how is this prezeroing done? when new memory is demand allocated, the
> area is also zeroed at the same time? How does `calloc()' do this? the

calloc is essentially the following
    memset(y, 0, x);


Erik B. Andersen   email:  andersen at lineo.com
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